Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Connecting Essay One

This is my photograph and I took it inspired by Rut Blees Luxemburg, I think that these photographs are really nice and I would like to do something similar to this for my exam piece. I took these photos to show cars as a way of traveling, I am going to do a photoshoot of bikes in contrast to this, one showing sustainability and one showing over consumption of fuels. I really like the photographs I took, however to get a better effect like in Luxemburg's photographs, I would have to leave the exposure time on longer, for this to work I will have to go out when it is quite dark because otherwise it will be over exposed.

This photograph is of car lights on a road, however they are quite faint so you might not notice them straight away, this is in contrast to mine where the lights are very obvious. I think my photograph and Luxemburgs photo are similar because they both show car lights, they are also similar in colour, I edited mine to look more yellow by using colour balance, I think that this was a big improvement on the original photograph, the original photograph is good but it looks too light as I didn't go out when it was dark enough. Next time I will go out later when it is properly dark so that I can get a better series of photographs, I also think that I will use a longer exposure time so that I can get a effect more like Luxemburg's.

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